I came in 2016, but could not complete my bachelors. So I changed to other Bachelor course, but this is quite in interior with limited access to Minijobs. I am quite frustrated and so thought to change to Ausbildung, where I can earn a bit and I saw there is lots of demand in IT sector. I know most of the programming languages and am good at coding. But just don’t have bachelor degree. Can you advice me if I can change my status easily. Thanks in advance
asked Jan 8, 2023 in Education by Rani | 1,085 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Rani,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.

We discussed a very similar one here, in which my colleague Christine wrote that it is generally possible to switch from a residence permit according to section 16b of the German Residence Act (for students) to a residence permit 16a (vocational training/“Ausbildung”). This table confirms her explanation. You may want to check Christine’s answer for more information. 

I hope this helps and please don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 8, 2023 by Meike
Thanks a lot
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