A transition from nursing ausbildung to IT ausbildung within the first year
asked Sep 17, 2022 in Education by Zayn | 1,175 views

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Dear @Zayn,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I am not an expert on student/vocational training ("Ausbildung") visas and I think we may need some more information as well in order to give you a reliable answer.

Are you holding a residence permit according to section 16a "Vocational training; advanced vocational training" of the German Residence Act?

I was reading the section again to **** for some information on "changing" the vocational training - in 16b (4) it says:

(4) Bevor die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zweck einer qualifizierten Berufsausbildung aus Gründen, die der Ausländer nicht zu vertreten hat, zurückgenommen, widerrufen oder gemäß § 7 Absatz 2 Satz 2 nachträglich verkürzt wird, ist dem Ausländer für die Dauer von bis zu sechs Monaten die Möglichkeit zu geben, einen anderen Ausbildungsplatz zu suchen.

The translation would be something like: "(4) Before the residence permit for the purpose of qualified vocational training is withdrawn, revoked or subsequently shortened in accordance with § 7 paragraph 2 sentence 2 for reasons for which the foreigner is not responsible, the foreigner must be given the opportunity to **** for another training place for a period of up to six months. "

So it doesn't give us any information on the regulations in case the foreigner is voluntarily (or reasons he/she is responsible for) quitting the vocational training in order to start something new.

I think it will be also relevant to know if the job you want to learn in the IT-field belongs to the so-called "understaffed professions/shortage occupations" as nursing for sure is. So maybe you can specify a bit more. To be on the safe side, I would recommend you to contact the immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) directly and ask for the requirements.

I will also link two colleagues here who may be able to give some more details or an advice. Dear @mbeon-Gabriele or @mbeon-Éanna, would you agree with me or/and can you add anything here?

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Sep 18, 2022 by Meike
Thanks you for the answer..if i manage to find a offer from a IT company for vocational training during my nursing ausbildung could I make the transition without facing any visa problems (that's what I wanted to know)
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