I’m 17 years old and i have an 10th grade certificate but i am currently studying 10th grade again in germany. I want to do Ausbildung as an Pharmakant or Biologielaborantin. my question is if after my Ausbildung i applied to university and kept studying will i be able to work as an pharmacologist or have a laboratory dgree?
asked Mar 19, 2019 in Education by Thecutiepie | 2,566 views

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1 Answer

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Hi, thank you for your question. Pharmacologist is a medical degree in Germany. To be a pharmacologist you first need to study to be a doctor. After this 6  years of studdy, you study the special degree pharmacology. So if you kept studying medicine you could be a pharmacologist.

here you can find more information about the job (unfortunately only in german): https://berufenet.arbeitsagentur.de/berufenet/faces/index;BERUFENETJSESSIONID=PMagz3fIKCFYYB7nH3ja0DDre8aidRW43jbwc8B5kP-gC761BhK7!1857880360?path=null/kurzbeschreibung&dkz=27514&such=Facharzt%2F-%C3%A4rztin+-+Pharmakologie+und+Toxikologie

However i am not sure if I get the question right. If you have further questions, please don't hestitat to ask again. If you are located in Berlin, you could also come by in our office to talk about your questions. The consulation is free of charge.


If you have a university near you, you can go to the student consulation office to ask for information about possible carreers.

Good luck!

Lernladen Neukölln
answered Mar 21, 2019 by BildungsberaterIn
Hi, thank you for your answer.
But what if i first study Ausbildung for Pharmakant and after the 3-4 years of my Ausbildung can i apply to universities and study pharmacologists? Is that possible?
Or as you said i need to study medicine first and for that one needs Abitur degree.

And thank you for the links they really did help to understand it more. Unfortunately i don’t live in Berlin. Again thanks for your answer.
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