This is a sequel post of my previous post. Thanks for your cordial supports in the previous post.

Now I know that I cannot bring my wife in family reunion visa until I get permanent residence.


(1) Can my wife visit me in Schengen visa for a duration of 90 days?

She has no previous history of travelling to any countries outside of Bangladesh. You should know that I will have to bear all the expenses i.e. accommodation, transportation, foods, etc. for the duration of time she stays in Germany. 

(2) In that case, what documents should I prepare from my side from Germany?


(3) What are the chances of getting the Schengen visa? 

(4) After all, how should I prepare everything so that my wife can visit me for 90 days in a year at least?

To check my previous post, click here

Thanks again for your supports. 

asked Nov 5, 2022 in Legal advice by sbbr | 439 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @sbbr,

You’re very welcome! To answer your questions: yes, your wife can visit you with a Schengen visa. There is detailed information about this on the website of the German Embassy in Dhaka. Here is a list of documents needed to get a Schengen visa to visit family/friends in Germany:


I cannot judge as to the chances of getting the Schengen visa. What I can say, however, is that visa refusals are often as the result of the applicant not having proof of reasons to return to their home country after the visa has expired. Examples would be a job contract, matriculation at a university etc. If such proof is not provided (see the list I linked above), then the embassy may believe there is a possibility the person will overstay their visa and not return to their home country.

The list of documents and the other information on the embassy website should help you best prepare for your wife’s visit. I recommend you read through them thoroughly, gather all the required documents with your wife and have them ready when she has an appointment with the embassy.



answered Nov 10, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
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