I am a war refugee. I have alao para.24, Aufenthaltstitel with a permission to stay and work in Berlin for 2 years. My future husband and I have failed to register our marriage in Kyiv, Ukraine. I wanted to issue an invitation for him, but the war has interrupted my plan.

Now I am living in Berlin and the only way for us to get married is to marry here. But I am lost in this issue and don't know, what should I do for now, what documents do I need for him to trespass the border and come to me, to Berlin.
Your advices are practically my last chance. Thank you in advance.
asked Sep 13, 2022 in Legal advice by annamatilde | 1,176 views
Hi @annamatilde, welcome to Wefugees and thanks for reaching out to us. I will link our dear expert @mbeon-Éanna here. Maybe he can have a **** at your question and help you with an answer. Best regards, Julia
Hi, Julia. I appreciate and am thankful for your replying. Hope it helps.
Best Regards, Anna

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4 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Hi @annamatilde,

As I understand the situation, you are not married to your partner, he is now resident in Russia and you wish to get married in Germany. Based on this, you have two options:


If you were living together in Ukraine when the war broke out, he can apply for his own temporary protection (paragraph 24) as your long-term partner. There is no specific procedure for this. He should write an email to the German embassy in Russia outlining his situation and requesting a visa to enter Germany and join you. In Germany, he can then apply for the permit according to paragraph 24. You can then marry if you wish but it is not a requirement for this permit. If he tries this option, you will have to be able to prove you were in a long-term relationship in the Ukraine (e.g. shared rent contract, utility bills).


He applies for a marriage visa at the German embassy. For this, you have to continue the procedure you have already started, i.e. getting a consultation with the local Standesamt and gathering the required documents. A confirmation of registration to get married from the Standesamt is required by the German embassy before they issue him with a visa. Here is the list of documents the embassy requires:




answered Sep 16, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you Èanna!
0 votes
Dear Anna,

I will contact the registry office by phone. Could you tell me where and whether you are registered in Berlin? I only need the district.
Maybe you can **** in the list here and tell me which registry office is closest to you. The page is only in German but you might recognize your district anyway? Let me know if not.


Also, I'm sure our Expert:innen can help on this topic. We will find an answer together soon! We are here for you.

Best regards
answered Sep 14, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Also, as far as I know the authorities in Ukraine are still staffed, could you maybe reach the authorities in Kiev by mail? Maybe they can also help you to get the marriage certificate?
Dear Saskia,

First and foremost, a huge thank for your answer. Yesterday i was running all day long ftom institution to institution (BAMF, LEA, Auswärtiges Amt, Botschaft of Russia) to find perhaps something helpful. I was proposed to make Verpflichtungserklärung für einen kurzen Aufenthalt, but with it, my future husband is forbidden to get married on the territory of Germany  so this variart won't work in our situation.
The only way is assumed workable is to this exceptional case to marry with a power of attorney, which you have mentioned in your answer.

As for the details:
- i do have a valid passport, my current registration certificate(Meldebestätigung in Schneeberger Str, 12627, Hellersdorf) dated 10.08 (not that of no older than 14 days, but i think i can go and make a new one, if needed)
-  i have with me a birth register certificate issued in Ukraine not yet translated and certified by a stamp.
- no of the partners is married and was not married in the past
- my partner do has a certificate of marriageability issued by marriage register office of Russia (a few weeks ago) as well as not translated certificate of birth and a passport.
- i need to do this certificate in the Ambassy of Ukraine in Berlin..

Our responsible registry office, Standesamt, is Standesamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Alice-Salomon-Platzt 3
12627 Berlin, email standesamt@ba-mh.berlin.de, tel. 030 902932177
But there is a huge BUT: they can answer calls only Mondays and Thursdays from 9:00 till 10:00. They are out of work till 30th of September. I have called them on 8.09 and didn't get any information except "you need to wait". I have written them a letter on 6.09. It's also no answer. Before i have moved to Hellersdorf, i have lived from 13th March till 15th August in Charlottenburg. The Standesamt Charlottenburg is silent to my requests till now.)

I am upset, but still fighting.

Yes, you have understood it correctly, mg partner is now in Russia, in Ekaterinburg region, so i don't know what to do to make him present. Maybe power of attorney is possible.

Do I understand it correctly that your partner is currently not in Berlin?
Thank you again for your helping me!

Best regards,
0 votes
Dear Anna, thank you very much for the explanation! I just called the (LABO) again, they are sort of above the registry offices. The colleague gave me the following email address: post.standesamt1@labo.berlin.de here you can send another email and explain your case! Unfortunately, you have to expect waiting times of 1-2 weeks. If you like, I can translate your e-mail into German. You can send me your e-mail to info@wefugees.de. Our experts might be able to help you too, in addition to @mbeon-eanna I would also like to link @mbeon-gabriele and @mbeon-ruth here. Щирі вітання Saskia
answered Sep 15, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
Hey Anna,

I see that your Situation is urgent and so I want you to know, that I'll do my best to find out more.
0 votes

And also the Standesamt replied on me with that message: 

Guten Tag !

Wenn die Ehe bereits geschlossen wurde, müsste diese beim Bürgeramt registriert werden.

Dazu sollte eine Heiratsurkunde im Original mit einer Apostille und Übersetzung vorgelegt werden.

Mit freundlichem Gruß


In translation: 

Good day !

If the marriage has already been concluded, it would have to be registered at the Citizen's Office.

For this purpose, a marriage certificate should be presented in the original with an apostille and translation.

With kind regards


Therefore, I think it would be good if you write an e-mail to Kyiv and try to get the marriage certificate would that be an option? By future husband you mean that you haven't get married yet? Or that you haven't registert your marriage yet?
We are happy to continue to be there for you, feel free to keep us informed 

with kind regards 

answered Sep 15, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
The huge problem for us is that the marriage has not yet been concluded. To conclude it ( i have used the term "register") we need to make a list of documents need to get married in Berlin ( because i am registered here).
Based on your answers and answers of other in this topic, now i can imagine what kind of documents... Policemen in Auswärtiges Amt has told me, that Russia is a problem, and won't be that easy for him to open a visa. As well as for me to start the process of marriage. But i don't think that there's no way to get married on Berlin. The options to marry in Russia or in Ukraine are excluded, because of the war crimes (it's dangerous for me to come there, same is for him to come to Ukraine).

I have visited Botschaft von Russland in Berlin, they have agressively sent me to Auswärtiges Amt. I have failed to contact anyone who is responsible for such questions. Nevertheless, i have reached it through 2 Kontakt Formulars. That what i have become:
"Informationen zur Anmeldung der Eheschließung finden Sie auf der Internetseite des Bezirksamts Marzahn-Hellersdorf unter folgendem link:


Dort können Sie auch das Formular „Vollmacht zur Anmeldung einer Eheschließung“ herunterladen, das Ihr Verlobter, wenn er nicht persönlich erscheinen kann, ausfüllen müsste.


Bitte erkundigen Sie sich nach allen weiteren Einzelheiten direkt beim Standesamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf.


Ein Merkblatt für das Visum zur Eheschließung finden Sie auf der Internetseite der deutschen Auslandsvertretungen in Russland


unter Downloads – Familiennachzug."

The second one is:
"Was Sie für die Eheschließung in Deutschland benötigen, erfahren Sie beim zuständigen deutschen Standesamt.

Informationen zur Beantragung eines Visums für eine Eheschließung in Deutschland mit anschließendem Dauerverbleib (Nationales Visum) finden Sie auf den länderspezifischen Webseiten unserer Auslandsvertretungen. Dort sind Merkblätter mit den vorzulegenden Dokumenten sowie Hinweise zur Buchung von Terminen eingestellt.

Nutzen Sie auch den Visanavigator, der Ihnen bei der Frage nach dem richtigen Visum weiterhelfen kann. Allgemeine Informationen zur Visabeantragung beantworten wir auf der Webseite des Auswärtigen Amt.

Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die für Sie zuständige Auslandsvertretung oder schauen Sie in unseren FAQ, ob Ihre Frage nicht bereits dort beantwortet wird."

Basically, that's what you and your colleagues have already told me much earlier, giving a hope.

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