I am swedish citizen my son is stateless my wife is Syrian I am living and working in Hamburg
asked Jul 14, 2022 in Other Questions by Abukarim | 635 views
Dear @Abukarim, welcome to Wefugees and thanks for sharing your question with us. I will link our dear experts @mbeon-Ruth and @mbeon-Christine here, maybe they can have a **** at your question and help you with an answer. Best wishes, Julia
Sehr geehrter Herr Shami,


für Sie und Ihre Familie gilt das Freizügigkeitsgesetz.

Ihre Ehefrau und Ihr Kind können mit Ihnen zusammen einreisen. Als Nachweis der Familienzusammengehörigkeit muss eine rechtskräftige Heiratsurkunde (internationale oder EU-Heiratsurkunde) und für Ihr Kind eine rechtskräftige Geburtsurkunde (internationale Geburtsurkunde)  vorliegen.

Sollten Ihre Ehefrau und Ihr Kind ohne Sie einreisen, benötigen beide ein Einreisevisum. Diese Einreisevisa werden von der Deutschen Botschaft ausgestellt.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Bezirksamt Harburg

Fachamt Einwohnerwesen

Ausländerangelegenheiten H/KuZ 12

Harburger Rathausforum 3, 21073 Hamburg
I need ur help please
what can I answer
and what is the international or EU marriage certificate

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi @Abukarim, I would like to provide some additional information to my colleage's answer. The process and requirements she described are correct in many cases, however your situation is different. As you are an EU citizen, the rules around family reunification are not as strict as they are for non-EU citizens. There is not a reqirement that you earn enough money to support your family or that you have sufficient living space for them. Your wife also does not need to have any knowledge of the German language. The main requirement for these special rules is that you are working. Your income is not relevant, as long as you work more than a few (5-8) hours a week. I advise you not to book an appointment through the regular online appointment booking system for family reunification as you fall into a special category. It depends where your family are current resident but here is the procedure with the German Embassy in Beirut: Email them with an appointment request: visa@beir.auswaertiges.amt.de In the subject line write 'Sondertermin Freizügigkeit' (this means special appointment acording to EU rules) Attach a scan of your passport or Swedish ID. Here is the information about this special process from the embassy in Beirut and the list of documents needed (unfortunately only available in German but the website may also have information about it in Arabic): https://beirut.diplo.de/blob/2419266/4ca23ca9ee6705c0f4491f59a67612c4/merkblatt-freizuegigkeit-data.pdf If you have any questions about this or need information regarding applying with a different embassy, let me know. Best, Éanna
answered Jul 19, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Iam so Happy to hear that
Thanks alot I will tell you what's will happen with me later
Sehr geehrter Herr Shami,


für Sie und Ihre Familie gilt das Freizügigkeitsgesetz.

Ihre Ehefrau und Ihr Kind können mit Ihnen zusammen einreisen. Als Nachweis der Familienzusammengehörigkeit muss eine rechtskräftige Heiratsurkunde (internationale oder EU-Heiratsurkunde) und für Ihr Kind eine rechtskräftige Geburtsurkunde (internationale Geburtsurkunde)  vorliegen.

Sollten Ihre Ehefrau und Ihr Kind ohne Sie einreisen, benötigen beide ein Einreisevisum. Diese Einreisevisa werden von der Deutschen Botschaft ausgestellt.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

Bezirksamt Harburg

Fachamt Einwohnerwesen

Ausländerangelegenheiten H/KuZ 12

Harburger Rathausforum 3, 21073 Hamburg
0 votes

Dear @Abukarim,

thanks for reaching out to us and also a warm welcome from me.

The visa application must be submitted to the German foreign mission (embassy or general consulate) in the country of origin before your family enters Germany.

Please submit the following documents to the embassy:

- national passport

- passport photographs

- marriage certificate

- birth certificate of your son

- copy of the ID cards of the family members.

- certificate of German (basic A1-level according to the CEFR)

- proof of the custody for the child (joint or at least from your wife)

Depending on each individual case, further documents may be required.

There are many general preconditions to be met, the most important are:

- Ensured livelihood, i.e. your income should be high enough to cover all the living cost for three persons (which you can prove by submitting your work contract or the last three payslips and a confirmation of your employer that the employment has not been terminated))

- Ensured living space (which you can prove by submitting your lease

- no convictions and reasons for expulsion/entry ban for the spouse

- the marriage must be legally valid in Germany

If your wife and son already have a residence permit in another EU-country, they can come to Germany without a visa and you won't have to undergo the procedure depicted above.

I hope my answers were useful for you.  Please feel free to contact us again if you have further questions.

Best wishes


answered Jul 18, 2022 by mbeon-Christine
Thank you very much, dear @mbeon-Christine!
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