
I got my refugee status and  refugee pass 2018 in Greece. Then I applied IT jobs from Germany and got an EU-BlueCard level job and started working in 2019. After three years I got my Niederlassungserlaubnis in May 2022. My Greek refugee pass will be finished in August 2023. My niederlassungserlaubnis due date is also my refugee pass end date. Therefore, I have some questions on my situation.

  • What will happen if I can not get an extension Greek refugee pass? Will my Niederlassungserlaubnis also expire?
  • I can not get my national pass because of my political situation. Am I eligible to apply for "ReiseAusweis für Ausländer"?
  • Is my refugee status valid for Germany?
asked Jul 7, 2022 in Legal advice by baslan | 883 views
Dear @baslan, welcome to Wefugees and thanks for sharing your questions with us. I will link our experts @mbeon-Gabriele and @mbeon-fardeen here. Maybe they can help you with an answer. All the best, Julia
thank you for the information . I'm looking forward to hear from you.

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1 Answer

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Hi @baslan, There is an EU agreement for such cases called ‘European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees’. According to article 2 of this, the responsibility for a refugee’s status is transferred to the second country after they have been living there for two years. This means Germany is now responsible for your refugee status and should issue you with a refugee passport (Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge – Blue Passport). You can write to your local Ausländerbehörde and request this. I do not, however, have direct experience with such a case. There may be particular reasons why they cannot give you the blue passport (e.g. perhaps related to you having a Niederlassungserlaubnis). But they must nevertheless give you the legal reasons if they do not give you one. At the very least your entitlement for a ‘Reiseausweis für Ausländer’ (grey passport) is clear. You cannot contact the authorities of your home country and so have to be issued with one. Hope that helps, let us know if you have any other questions. Best, Éanna
answered Jul 14, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you very much for your answer, dear Éanna! Very much appreciated
Thanks for the comprehensive answer, it is really helpful for me.

I will go to the Ausländerbehörde and make an application for new travel document.
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