Hi wefugee team,
I'm holding a Aufenthaltsgestattung status atm in Germany and haven't received response from bamf yet. My parents moved to Canada after last crisis situation in Afghanistan but now they want to sponsor me for family reunion.

Is there anyway I can be unite with them from Germany?
asked May 29, 2022 in Legal advice by Jeddy | 902 views
Dear @Jeddy, thank you for reaching out to us again! I'm going to link our expert and dear colleague @mbeon-Gabriele, maybe she can have a **** at your question and get back to you with some advice. Best regards, Julia

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Hello @Jeddy, how nice that you have turned to WeFugees with your question. Family reunification is regulated by the rules of the country where the family wants to be reunited. So in your case, Canada. I can explain to you what family reunification looks like based on the rules here in Germany. First of all, it depends on the type of residence title whether privileged or regular family reunification is possible. This means the following: If your parents have refugee status, you can apply for family reunification with their minor children and/or spouses within three months. Privileged means here that it does not matter whether they can provide for the family member financially (maintenance, housing, health insurance) themselves. The family members moving in do not need language skills either. If they have a different residence status, they can apply for family reunification, but they must provide proof of the listed requirements. The person joining the family (does not apply to children under 14 years of age) then also needs German language skills at level A1. Unfortunately, adult children cannot be brought to Germany within the framework of privileged family reunification. Canada will also have rules for family reunification. Therefore, the decisive factor for your situation is what kind of residence your parents have in Canada and what rules or requirements there are for family reunification. I recommend that your parents contact an appropriate counselling centre in Canada. If it is possible for your parents to join you, you yourself can withdraw your asylum application here at any time. In addition, I recommend that you seek advice from Raphaelswerk e.V. about onward migration. Here, refugees can immigrate to a third country through work- and family-related immigration programmes. Link to Raphaelswerk: ***.raphaelswerk.de/wirberaten/fluechtlinge/weiterwanderung-resettlement Here you will find helpful information on a possible onward migration to Canada for download as well as contact details on the right side (in the middle). I hope this description of the process and the information about Raphaelswerk will be helpful to you and I wish you all the best for your family reunion. Many greetings Gabriele
answered May 30, 2022 by mbeon-Gabriele
Thank you @mbeon-Gabriele! We´re so glad to have you here. Beste regards, Saskia
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