Hello, my status is Aufenthaltsgestattung and still waiting respond from BAMF for my application. I applied assylum in Baden-wütenberg so my place of residence is here. I am software developer and find a job in Hessen state and got work permit from auslanderbehörde. I can offically work but I need to apply for Umverteilung to transfer Hessen. I made a rent contract for house in Hessen and provide it with Umverteilung form to auslanderbehörde. They send required documents to Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt. Today I asked my status to Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt. They told me that we reject all applications if it is work or education. My question is that if all applications rejected because of work then why Bundesagentür für arbeit give me work permit and why rent contract require while I was apply for Umverteilung ?  I am still waiting respond from my auslanderbehorde but in that case I have rent contract that I have to pay. What should I do ?
asked Nov 2, 2021 in Work by darkosika | 642 views

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Dear @darkosika

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

You did right in submitting a so-called "Umverteilungsantrag" (request to live in another city/municipality within Germany) to the immigration office ("Ausländerbehörde") - that is the only way to get a permission to move to another place during the pending asylum procedure. I am a bit surprised though, that the Ausländerbehörde asked already for a rental contract before they decided on your Umverteilungsantrag. I am afraid that you need to cancel the contract again in case the Umverteilungsantrag gets denied. Please note that you can also appeal (Widerspruch einlegen) against a potential negative decision. Unfortunately, the Bundesagentur für Arbeit is not involved in any residence aspects - they only check the conditions of the work/the job offer itself. 

I would highly recommend you to contact a migration counselling office as well in case your application gets denied. Please let us know if you need support in finding a respective office in your area. 

Would you agree on my explanations and is there anything you would like to add, dear @mbeon-fardeen

I hope this helps and don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Nov 9, 2021 by Meike
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