Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a 17-year-old refugee and have been living with my family in Thuringen for 5 months. Additionally, our asylum application has been rejected as inadmissible but we have appealed and are waiting for our appeal's decision. Furthermore, I have an aufenthaltsgestattung and Räumliche Beschränkung has not been limited on it - as the place for it has been left blank

I have got a scholarship from an International School in another state where my sister who is a German national is living there in her own house, so I want to move into her house for pursuing my IB Diploma.

I was wondering if you could kindly tell me the probability of my Umverteilungantrag getting approved as a student. It is worth mentioning that we are receiving benefits from the social office, but if it is not possible to receive a social allowance in the event of relocating, my sister can support me financially, and she can also take me as a guest in other cases.

Thank you for your kind response in advance,
asked Jan 4, 2023 in Education by Mosawer | 536 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @Mosawer

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us. 

First of all, congratulations to your scholarship - it sounds really great! 

You should definitely submit a so-called “Umverteilungsantrag”. I also recommend to get individual support with the application in a migration/refugee counselling office - latest after (in case) you receive a negative answer/rejection or no answer.

Please let us know if you need help in finding a respective office close to your location. 

Dear @mbeon-éanna,  @mbeon-fardeen or @mbeon-Christine, can you add some information or advice here? 

In any case, don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Jan 10, 2023 by Meike
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your kind response.

As I have mentioned that our asylum case has been rejected as inadmissible due to Dublin regulations, will getting admitted into a school while having a scholarship benefit us in the context of deportation? If yes, should I contact our lawyer who has submitted an urgent appeal?

Additionally, considering that my parents applied for asylum application on my behalf as well, may I ask if my application gets approved, will my asylum case get separated from my parents who are living in Thuringia? as I will be living with my sister in another state.

I am looking forward to your kind response.

Best Regards
0 votes

Dear @Mosawer,

Your admission in a school is, of course, something positive, which can help you hinder your deportation, but the problem is that you haven’t started your school and it is in a different city. However, it may still be helpful. You should definitely inform your lawyer about it. Due to rejection of your asylum application and the Dublin Regulation, it will be very difficult/almost impossible to give you the permission to move to another city. The process of moving to another city of Germany is anyways a long-lasting process, in which both your respective Foreigners‘ Office and the Foreigners‘ Office of the city you want to move to, are involved. In order to check if you can move to your sister, the Foreigers‘ Office may, in addition to your application for movement and your admission letter, also ask for a right of custody (Sorgerecht) of you being transferred from your parents to your sister.

You should also discuss about your movement to your sister, its possibility and its effect on the asylum application of your parents with your lawyer.

Best wishes

Fardeen Noori

answered Jan 12, 2023 by mbeon-fardeen
Thank you for your reply and important information, Fardeen! Much appreciated! :-)
You are welcome dear @Meike!
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