
I want to ask about studying at university.

I have been living more than 15 months in Germany, I got a refusal, made an appeal against Bamf's decision. So it is an ongoing process now.

It is written on my Nebenstimmungen like that: Studium nicht gestattet etc. But I am attending to language course at the university and because of that, I've been matriculated, It means I have matriculation number(matrikulation nummer).

The first question is that, Can I study without positive asylum decision in  Germany? One of my friends started to study at the Hochschule. His situation is like me but 'Studium nicht gestattet' is not written on his nebenstimmungen. He got a refusal. Except for Nebenstimmungen, All things are the same.

The second question is that Can I rent a flat without permission of Sozialamt?

The third question is that Can I change my place in a legal way, I mean with Umverteilung Antrag?

The last question is that If I find a job somewhere else, Has AusländerBehörde to approve my working request?

Kind regards
asked Apr 15, 2019 in Education by erdem.law | 706 views

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1 Answer

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Thank you for your question! To answer your question well, a lot more info is needed. I would really recommend for you to go to a leagal counselling and ask for advice of a lawyer. We are not trained well enough in these topics. Since I don't know which city you are in I can only recommend Places in Berlin.

For Example here you could find answers to your questions https://kub-berlin.org/

or here ****://***.bridge-bleiberecht.de/

Maybe you can also call to ask your questions if you are not located in Berlin.

I wish you good luck. If we can help with any further questions, feel free to ask!

All the best,

answered Apr 25, 2019 by BildungsberaterIn
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