Hello Kathy
Hope you are fine
Today I was in my Ausländerbohre for Aufenthaltstitel
They said me to bring
Valid passport
Marriage certificate
my Ausweis
Ausweis from my wife
Monthly Income
100 euro
A1 certificate
Mietvertrag ( Appartement Contract)
And I want to tell you another one thing they have take also our interview my wife was in another room and I’m in another room
How we meet ,How we sleep, which side sleep in bed , Date of birth, palace of birth ,room colour , Urlaub. Krankheit, tattoo or other things in body like mole or Operation cut etc ,Friends, hobby, partners or siblings , favorite food, drinks., about wedding and gifts , about birthday party and gift , And same like about 30 different questions you also note that things
I Wish you best of luck