I a on my fiktionsbescheinigung now i received that on january and i received an appointment from Auslanderbehorder on march . they ask me to bring 100 euros and pictures of mine to apply for residence permit .. my background is . i am married to german from last 3 years and i got deportation ban .. will they issue my residence permit in certen weeks after i paid 100 euro fees and provide my pictures ?  

also when will i be entitled for Permenent residence permit ? ( niderlassungerlaubnus )  ??

Thanks in Advance

asked Mar 1, 2021 in Legal advice by Kevinreed00131 | 840 views

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3 Answers

0 votes
You are paying 100euro for your resident permit. Normally we know as electronics aufenthaltserlaubnis.  Well if you got there they will fingerprints you and after 4 weeks your documents will be ready for collection
answered Mar 3, 2021 by Gentle james
0 votes
Normally you suppose to get the resident permit if all paper work is in other. Have they given you?
answered Mar 4, 2021 by Charington22
0 votes

Dear @Kevinreed00131,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I would agree with the already given answers and want to add the requirements to obtain a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) for a spouse of a German citizen. This website gives a good overview (valid for Berlin though but requirements are similar in other regions as well). Please see also this thread, in which we discussed a similar question before.

I hope this helps and all the best,


answered Mar 8, 2021 by Meike
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