Im married with a German for 11 months we have been together 3yrs and still in asylum i was regected once. My question is i was advised to continue my Asylum even when im married i went foreign Affairs I was told submit my passport and they didn't give it back to me.The foreign Affairs said i must go back to my home country and get a international visa. Coz i used a shengener visa when  coming.If i get a negative answer can they send me back.?I have be working for 2yrs i pay tax and im still in deutsch kurs. I need answers pls im so worried.
asked Nov 14, 2020 in Legal advice by bochingel | 433 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @boching

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your situation with us. 

I am sorry to hear that you are worrying too much. I assume that you contacted a lawyer who advised you to continue your asylum application? From my perspective, if an expert or a laywer who knows your individial circumstances, recommends you to stay in the asylum procedure, the person sees chances for you to win in court and to receive a humanitarian residence permit. This type of residence permit will keep you independent from your spouse/marriage and the authorities will not ask you to return to your country of origin in order to apply for a family unification visa. 

However, in case the court will reject your asylum application and you decide to apply for a residence permit as spouse of a German citizen, I would definently recommend you to get support by a lawyer in convincing the authorities that it is not possible for you or at least a disproportionate effort (considering that you would be seperated from your spouse, might be forced to quit your job etc.) to travel to your country of origin and to go through the whole visa procedure. 

Would you agree dear @mbeon-bernd or @mbe-on_Zsigó

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Nov 20, 2020 by Meike
Thank-you Meike for your reply.My question is the foreign Affairs are holding my New passport which i just renewed at Embassy,and now being ask to give my old passport. By BMF of which i do not have.like is this necessary?
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