Hello, i was in asyl and have a child with a German, my son holds a German pass and i was also giving a 3 years residence permit. I am no longer with the mom and i was asking if i have to change my residence,  does she have to sign anything else or i can just change it without having anything to do with her. I am not paying my child for now because am going to school learning B2.
asked May 10, 2020 in Legal advice by Baye | 2,506 views
Mostly it depends from city to city.For me i stayed without registration for 3 months and i got a fine of 250 Euros but they latter issued the residence without giving duldung.

Staying illegal in Germany its a crime but since you have a child they mostly give a fine since they have a law that they cant separate family members.

The Auslanderbehorde reports you to the police and the Police will take action.

Mostly they can ask you to go back to your home country and apply for Family reunion but they can never deport you if you having sorgerecht.

If you return to your country chances of you returning with family re-union are less because you stayed illegally in Germany.

Your lawyer should keep fighting untill you get a residence and try as much as possible not to leave Germany.
@pan 123 thanks
@Pan 123 the ausländerbehorde report me to grenze polizei that's border police , they sent the post to my woman house . They only ask me some questions and I should send it back to them . Question like , why I lied that I didn't have a Nigerian Passport before when I came to Germany ,if I want to marry my German gf , why I didn't renew the Duldung Ausweis before I left camp , how do I get money to eat ...these are the questions they asked. ...so my lawyer send it to them and a letter to them also .... But they never reply since then . They also ask if I have contacted the ausländerbehorde ......I reply all all the question .    Do you think they wil give me fine or ask me to go back and come back with family reunion visa , if I apply for the permit after getting the Duldung soon
@Pan 123, bitte is it possible to be granted a recidence permit in germany if a passport is expired? Due to covid19 many counrty embassy has not started work
@pan 123, what if you have a slip(prove) that u applied for a renew of the passport b4 the covid19 lock down. Because embassy dont work at the moment. And the auslanderbeholden was holding the old passport b4 it expired after applying for d residence permit.

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3 Answers

0 votes
Duldung is the least as per your case they should give residence.
May be they will give the white paper to wait for the stay after 5 weeks
answered May 14, 2020 by Pan 123
0 votes
You staying illegal wont affect your residence but uou will be fined for staying in Germany without being registered
answered May 14, 2020 by Pan 123
0 votes
They will give you  a fine for staying illegal or without papers in German but they cant do anything.

They can just request you to go back and apply family re union but they can never deport you as long you have the Sorgerecht.
answered May 15, 2020 by Pan 123
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