Hi @Mack10101“
Your daughter can be given a residence permit according to paragraph 33 of the Aufenthaltsgesetz because her mother has a residence permit. In paragraph 33 there is a distinction between children where both parents have a residence permit – here the child must be given a permit too. In cases where only one parent has a permit, the child can be given one to but this is at the discretion of the authorities.
You can be issued with a permit according to paragraph 25, section 5 of the Aufenthaltsgesetz. This is a humanitarian permit which can be given for various reasons, such as a having a child here. As you are not living in the same city, the authorities may wish to see evidence that you have an ongoing relationship with the child. It is good that you have the Vaterschaft, Sorgerecht and are supporting financially, but they may also need to see you have contact with your child. You may also be entitled to a permit according to 25A or 25B.