Hello wefugee, nice to have you here...please i have a question concerning my present status! i got a decision from court, Abschiebung verboten, paragraph s60. then told me to bring my country passport, my main issue is can i travel to my home country with this type of residence permit status?
asked Nov 27, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by davide | 1,793 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @davide,

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community & thank you Meike for your answer!

I just wanted to add, that - as Meike said already - you are allowed to travel to your homecountry but depending on the reasons the BAMF gave you for the "Abschiebungsverbot" there is a possible risk that it could have consequences for your stay in Germany! Let me give you an example: The BAMF gave you an Abschiebungsverbot because you are very ill and there is no treatment available in your home country or you need close monitoring through a doctor. Now you go on holidays to your homecountry for 2 months. In this case the BAMF would get suspicious and maybe call you in and ask you questions about it. It might even check if it could revoke your Abschiebungsverbot.

But there are many possible reasons why a person can get an "Abschiebungsverbot" by BAMF. Still, just to be sure I would recommend you to go to a counselling office/centre and have it checked. Via this link you can find free and trustworthy counselling offices close to you: https://adressen.asyl.net/language/en/welcome-to-informationnetwork-asylum-and-migration/

I hope this answer was helpful and wish you all the best!


Note: Please keep in mind that we can´t provide qualified legal advice via the internet and that any information given can´t replace such legal advice.

answered Dec 4, 2019 by InfoVerbund
Thank you for your answer Melina, please one more question, ever since I received the positive decision from court, Abschiebung verboten s60...is one month & two weeks now, I'm still with my normal 6 mouth Aufenthaltsgestattung! i have not got any information from the landratsamt to change my Aufenthaltsgestattung to Fiktionsbescheinigung, before I present my country passport, my main issue is how long does it take for the Landratsamt to issue me Fiktionsbescheinigung
0 votes

Dear @davide,

Thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community!

I found a thread on this platform, in which a similar topic was discussed before. You may want to check for some additional information.

In general and different to people who received international protection according to the Geneva Convention, holders of a residence permit with a deportation ban should be allowed to travel to their home country.

However, a valid travel document will be essential.

@Infoverbund and @alla_fka can you maybe add some more details?

All the best,


answered Nov 29, 2019 by Meike
Thank you for your answer Meike, please one more question, ever since I received the positive decision from court, Abschiebung verboten s60...is one month & two weeks now, I'm still with my normal 6 mouth Aufenthaltsgestattung! i have not got any information from the landratsamt to change my Aufenthaltsgestattung to Fiktionsbescheinigung, before I present my country passport, my main issue is how long does it take for the Landratsamt to issue me Fiktionsbescheinigung
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