asked Jul 16, 2019 in Education by Kate | 1,643 views

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Dear @Kate,

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugee Community!

I found this website on which you can find all sorts of courses and activities near Recklinghausen: https://***.kreis-re.de/Inhalte/Buergerservice/Leben_und_Wohnen/Kommunales_Integrationszentrum/Integrationsangebote.asp?db=594&form=list&top=499. Maybe you find something suitable for you here.

Depending on your individual situation you might also be able to get a financial support with a language course from the jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit. I am sure that a migration counselling centre would also be happy to support in finding a solution for you.

I hope this helps.

All the best,


answered Jul 19, 2019 by Meike
@Meike, Thank you for your reply. I will be trying to grab the chance you said.Do you guys hear that there will be new asylum laws after summer holiday that will affect to rejected asylum seekers for official B2 Course participation other than 5 countries who already have the chance to participate the course? Can you share the link from BAMF or other links if it exists?

Dear @Kate

I just closed the thread you opened recently with the same question. It will be easier and more transparent to keep information at one place. 

I am not sure, if the following links are the ones you are looking for but maybe you can check them (they are in German though): ****://***.bamf.de/DE/Infothek/BerufsbezogeneFoerderung/Deutschfoerderung45a/deutschfoerderung45a-node.html. 

The BAMF is stating, that the "Konzept für den Basiskurs B2" was updated in June this year. You can find the respective concept here: ****://***.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Downloads/Infothek/ESFBAMFProgramm/Deutschfoerderung45a/modulkonzept.pdf?__blob=publicationFile. 

If you face some difficulties in getting accepted for a B2 language course, I can also recommend you to talk to a migration counselling centre. I am sure they will be happy to support! 

I hope this helps and all the best for you, 


Dear @Kate

maybe I found now, what you were looking for. Yesterday, new regulations for asylum seekers (applicants still in the procedure) and Duldung holders on the access to integration courses and vocational education related German courses were introduced. Please check the following table (in German though): 


As far as I could understand, you are holding a Duldung? Depending on certain factors (i.e. issuing purpose for Duldung, length of stay in Germany, work permit etc.) the new regulations might be relavant and helpful for you. 

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to get back to us! 

All the best, 


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