Dear @Collins,
Thank you for reaching out to us again, I'm very sorry to hear about your situation.
Unfortunately, I lack the legal expertise to give you an advice here, so I would highly recommend that you talk to your lawyer again and discuss options you may have to stay in the country.
Also, I'm going to link our asylum law expert @Nilab to have a **** at your case. It may take a few days until she can reply.
In the meantime, you can have a **** at this thread from our platform:
I got rejected in May and till now I have a Duldung - What are my options?
And at this website from the Refugee Council Niedersachsen on 9 perspectives after a negative decision on your asylum case: https://***
(It's in German, but you can use a translator)
Please reach out to us again if you need any further assistance.
Kind regards,