I have a dudlung ausweis 2 months and  now i dont know what i have to do ?
asked Dec 19, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Usmankh88 | 1,974 views

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Dear @Usmankh88,

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for sharing your situation with us.

What you have to do now is well explained by the Flüchtlingsrat Leverkusen: ****://***.fluechtlingsrat-leverkusen.de/eng/3.4.5_duldungen.htm

"If you receive a notification on the legally binding rejection of your asylum application you should immediately inform the alien’s office [Ausländerbehörde] in writing that you are willing to return voluntarily.

If there was no approval given in the asylum request, there can still be legal and de facto reasons for a necessary further stay in Germany .

  • A legal reason can be a severe illness, which leads to the inability to travel or cannot be treated in the country of origin. This must be documented by a doctor.
  • A de facto reason may be that there is no air connection available or there is no passport. The refugee cannot leave Germany without a passport or a substitute document.

An obligation to leave Germany also means that refugees have to cooperate actively in the acquisition of the passport.

If a departure is legally and de facto possible and is only not possible because the refugee is not willing to depart, the aliens department will deport (forced return) the refugee. The deportation will not be announced beforehand.

Whether an Aufenthaltserlaubnis can be granted and under which circumstances this may be done, can only be decided in individual cases. However, it is important that the refugee is not responsible for the impeded leave."

Here's also a thread from the community that might help: https://***.wefugees.de/800196/what-happens-duldung-apply-for-asylum-again-asylfolgeantrag?show=800196#q800196

Please feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions.

All the best,


answered Dec 19, 2018 by Isa
Thanks for answer and i recieved a letter last month and in letter they mentioned that my asylum procedure is closed now i have to contact with my city landrasmt i was in landrasmt and got duldung and the person in landrasmt said to me your asylum procedure is closed you have to provide us your passport or other documents that verify your indentity or you have to go your embassy or you have to talk with your lawyer and tgen they give me duldung ausweis for two months and said after two months you have to come here. And i was in my lawyer office she said to me your procedure is closed i can't do anything now you have to do all things by yourself now i need a suggestion what i have to do now any idea?
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