Please I am BestMan from Ghana. I was an asylum seeker in the year of 2014 to 2016. Since I came to Germany, I started schooling. After I completed schooling, I got Hauptschule Abschluss as my certificate and I did 6 months Praktikum als Automechaniker and got Praktikum certificate too during my schooling. I was having Duldung with red line at the back of the Duldung. But the Ausländerbehörde wrote at the back of my Duldung that I can go **** for work and bring the contract to them. I got contract from Zalando in Mönchengladbach and i went again to the Ausländerbehörde and deliver the contract to them, The AusländerBehörde told me to wait for a month and they will send me a letterror to me. I waited till one month and I got the letter, according to the letter, they said I should leave the country within the month. Please I want your help, what should I do to get the back my stay in Germany?
asked Aug 10, 2018 in Legal advice by BestMan | 2,291 views
Didnt the auslanderbehorde mentioned the specific reason to you to leave the country? You got the contract right? Why did the auslanderbehorde asked you to leave then?

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hello @BestMan

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

Unfortunately, there is always the uncertainty that Ausländerbehörde might not prolong the Duldung. Even a work contract doesn't help in that case. You are now facing a tricky situation and there are a few things to keep in mind:

If you don't leave Germany "voluntarily" you might get deported and an entry ban will be imposed on you. The period of validity of said entry ban varies from case to case, but it is valid in the whole Schengen zone, so you won't be able to enter most of Europe as well.

That's why it can be a good idea to leave Germany within the one month notice that you've been given. You can apply for financial aid for that: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Rueckkehr/Rueckkehrprogramme/FoerderprogrammREAGGARP/foerderprogramm-reag-garp-node.html Note, that you don't have to go back to your home country. You can also try to go to a third country (keep in mind that you might need a visa).

Another option is the so-called "Kirchenasyl" which means that a church lets you live in their facilities. But this is just a short-term solution to bridge the time e.g. until you receive a residence permit etc. (so it only makes sense if you are having a chance to get a residence title another way than your asylum procedure). The church has to cover your living expenses and you won't be able to live a regular life because you can't leave the premises. You have to get in touch with the religious community in your citiy for this.

Finally, I wouldn't recommend to go into hiding and live in Germany "illegally". It's quite unlikely that your stay will get legalised at some point.

But I highly recommend that you get in contact with a counselling center or a lawyer that can take a closer **** at your case. They might be able to show you options that I didn't consider. If you tell us where you live we can help you to find one of these.

Best regards,


answered Aug 14, 2018 by Thor
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