I would like to ask some likely questions often asked by the court after BAMF rejection??
asked Jan 23, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by hafiz123 | 973 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hey @hafiz123,

Thank you for your question!

I answered how to prepare for an appeal interview before on the following thread, please have a ****: 

Questions regarding my Appeal interview 

And this thread can help as well, even if it's related to the BAMF interview:

How can I prepare for the hearing at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees?

Hopefully this can give you some guidance, but I urge other members to share some experiences with you here, too :-) 

All the best,


answered Jan 24, 2019 by Isa
Can someone please clarify me on this. Can you be deported from Germany to your homeland country if you dont have the red line in your ausweis and also if Germany is responsible for you case. I have been rejected by BAMF and I recent updated my ausweis but there was no red line.
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