Hello Wefugee friends, I've been living in Munich since I arrived in Germany and I have the hearing/interview in two weeks. I want to do this right so that I can stay, I don't want to face deportation. But I only have a few ideas about how it's going to be. Do you know how it works, what's important, what I should/shouldn't say?

Thank you very much to you all
asked Nov 25, 2015 in Asylum proceedings by HalKho | 995 views
thank you :)

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Hello HalKho, I hope this information is helpful (****://***.lawclinicmunich.de/images/info/Bamf_english.pdf). Here is a brief summary:

General remarks:
- Tell your whole story
- Be clear about the facts
- Provide evidences

Important topics within a hearing:
- What kind of persecution have you been facing?
- Is there nobody to help you in your country?
- Did you take part in political/religious activities after your escape?
- Health status

Your rights:
- You have the right to be interviewed in your native language
- You are entitled to bring your own translator or another person you trust

How to prepare:
- Write down what is important
- Check the correct order of events
- Talking about traumatic events, even if you prefer not to talk about them, you should write them down and the BAMF is obliged to include them
- Collect evidences and witnesses (if possible)
- Advance notice in case you want to bring your own translator
answered Nov 25, 2015 by SteffiS
Thank you Steffi, the pdf is just what I was looking for!
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