Hello wefugees team, please  I have a question ,which I really need answer. Please I have been living in Germany since 28th of June 2014 and I just received a letter from the court that I have been granted Subsidiary Protection. My questions are;

1) please i wish to know if with this protection,  I will get the chance to nationalize in Germany in the year 2020?

2) Will I receive the same 10years grey passport as a friend of mine received under the same Subsidiary Protection?

Thanks and I wish my questions will be answer soon .
asked Nov 15, 2018 in Legal advice by Denny28 | 608 views

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Dear @Denny28, thank you for sharing the good news with us- congrats! As for your questions: 1. it all depends on the integration process you will have reached in 2010: e.g. - the language skills you have reached - whether you have been working - no criminal records - and you will hvae to first get the Niederlassungserlaubnis( permanent residence permit) in order to be able to apply for the citizenship in Germany. ****://***.bamf.de/DE/Willkommen/Einbuergerung/InDeutschland/indeutschland-node.html 2. You will get the grey- passport, if you can proof that you cannot obtain your national passport. If you will get it for 10 years it is another question- as the grey passports duration is given for the duration of the Aufenthaltstitel you get- for exmaple if you get a 3 years duration then the passport is valid for three years. I hope this could assist you, if still have some questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Best regards, Nilab

answered Nov 19, 2018 by Nilab
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