I have Residence Permit according to 25B ABS. 1 S.1. Is it possible to become a German citizen with this residence permit? If yes, how long does it take to receive the citizenship status from 25B ABS.1 S.1

asked Oct 19, 2022 in Legal advice by Sisy | 244 views

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Hi :) 

Welcome back and thanks for the interesting question

Unfortunately I am not an expert, so I will link @mbeon-éanna here. 

According to my research it is possible to apply for German citizenship with 25B ABS.1 S.1

You can find the requirements on this website: 

You submit the application to the  "Einbürgerungbehörde" that is responsible for your place of residence.  These are often the registry offices (Statsmter) or the foreigners authorities (Ausländerbehörde). You can find out which authority is responsible for your naturalization at the city or district administration, at the district office, at the foreigners authority, the migration counseling for adult immigrants or at the youth migration services. You can also call the public authority number 115 and ask there.

The authority will inform you individually about requirements, fees and the naturalization procedure. Unfortunately, we can not make any exact statements about how long the procedure takes, but in most cases it takes quite a long time. 

I hope I could help you with my answer and wish you all the best. 


answered Oct 25, 2022 by Saskia Wefugees
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