i have a (Duldung abschiebung). police has my ID card (Valid) and passport (Expired). im worry that that thay can deport me to my home country. and i dont want to go back. because im here in germany about 7 years. and i have jobed here in germany, 4 years. and i have a driving license and auto. and i can speak german language, B1 level. and i haev clearance certificat to police. now i have 3 questions:

1. They can deport me?

2. If they deport me, The tax which I have paid. Will i get back?

3. What do I need to do now?

asked Oct 28, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by khalid | 562 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @khalid, thank you for your question in our community. I am sorry to hear about your situation. As for your questions: 1. Yes they can deport you, as the have all your documents. 2. If they deport you you can ask for tax back, for the years you have worked, however if you want to do that please seek help from a Steuerberater in order to get it done. 3. The best would be if you can return to your home country- to not wait for deportation but return but urself, as if you are deported you will have problems to get Visa for the EU in the future. And if you return on a voluntary grounds to your home country you should seek assistance from the IOM in the town you are. I hope I could assist you, if you need further guidance please let us know. Best regards, Nilab

answered Oct 29, 2018 by Nilab
Thanks Nilab
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