Hello everyone I recently got married and I have my marriage certificate with appostille stamp on it already I got my Germany medical insurance now waiting for melding soon I have have melding paper what I must do next I must go where and do I need appointment for immagration office or what next I must do I must go to immigration office soon after melding or I must go any other office answer will be appreciated
asked Oct 3, 2018 in Legal advice by Musawvir | 1,339 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Musawvir

thank you for your question and your contribution in the community. 

As for your question: 

1.  If the marriage done abroad is effective and recognized in Germany, you can apply for a residence permit for family reunion as a husband of a German citizen at the immigration office. Information on the required documents can be found under the following link of the immigration office Berlin


I hope I could help you with the information above, if you need further guidance please use the platform and we will be glad to help. 

Best regards, 


answered Oct 4, 2018 by Nilab
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