Hello Everyone, l got my Aufenthaltstitel through marriage. My question is, which  countries is visa free to travel with my Aufenthaltstitel? Thanks in Advance.
asked Sep 13, 2018 in Legal advice by Emmytender | 8,132 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Hi @Emmytender congratulations. You can travel freely with your Aufenthaltserlaunis and your Passport within the European Union and the European Economic Area countries without needing an additional Visa for a period of 90 day's in every 180 days. here is a link that contains the lists of the Countries you can travel freely without needing a Visa https://***.gov.uk/eu-eea
answered Sep 13, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Hello Nelly, Thanks for your reply. Please can you explain me"Visa for a period of 90 days in every 180 days? And also why should I take my international passport along with me when l am travelling? Do l allow to travel to swiss? Thanks
+2 votes
Hi @Emmytender yes you can travel to Switzerland. But you have to take your Passport along with you when travelling. they won't stamp the Passport its just for identity purpose. They won't allow you enter Swiss without your Passport. Don't worry nothing will happen. What i mean by 90 day's in every 180 days is that you can visit any of the EU countries and stay there up to 3 months within 6 months period and then return back to the Eu country who issued you the Residence Permits. You can then visit the Eu country again after the 6 months has passed for another 3 months. That makes it a total of 6 months in a year. In brief summary it means you can travel to Eu Countries and stay there for up to 90 days.
answered Sep 14, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Thanks Nelly, now l understood clearly.
@Emmytender you are welcome bro
Hi Nelly, can l travel to Swiss often for 2 months? I mean can I travel to Swiss everyday and return back each day with my Passport and Aufenthaltserlaubnis?  Another question, can l work in Swiss with my Aufenthaltserlaubnis? I married to a German.  Thanks
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