I've got a complicated question, but I'll try anyway - I've been living in Germany for over 6 years; been married to a german woman for over 7 years. We have a daughter of over 8 years. We live in the east, old DDR, and I haven't been able to find work. I got a aufenthaltstitel in 2012 when I first arrived and having no job (Still looking), meant I just kept renewing. Now my wife's got a good paying job, which means I'm sorta kindda kicked out of social, I think. Now we're having problems, probably end in a seperation, as now I'm thinking of moving to the west to find work. How would it affect my  aufenthaltstitel, which is to expire next year? To recap, my child is german, my wife (soon-to-be Ex) is german, I am not; how will it affect me after the seperation?
closed with the note: Questions are getting closed after a year of no interaction.
asked Aug 31, 2018 in Legal advice by SchwarzerBlitz | 1,014 views
Hello @SchwarzerBlitz - Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question. @WKZB1 can take a **** at your case next Wednesday. Maybe he has an idea what to do. Best regards, Thorgen
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