The title explains everything. I am currently in Germany where my girlfriend is. I have a 2 years residence permit in Greece due to expire next year.

I am being prosecuted for being involved in a far left pro-YPG demonstration (I wasn't involved in it, they arrested me because I was near the event at the time). I fear that if I go back to Turkey, I might be put in prison or charged on this accusation. I am thinking about seeking asylum but I'm not sure if a case like this would be accepted or not. I won't do it if it's not likely to get accepted, because I don't want to lose my legal right to work in Greece.

Should I seek asylum, and if so, where should I do it? I have the legal right to travel to all European countries except for UK and Ireland.
asked Aug 16, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by stellarum | 891 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @stellarum

Nice to hear from you again.

There is going to be one major problem when claiming asylum in Germany: The Dublin III convention. In accordance with this legal framework, Germany will refer you to Greece because they already issued you a residence permit. German authorities will argue that you are not in the need of protection at the moment because you have a right to stay in Greece. If you want to apply for asylum, you'd have to do it in Greece.

Best regards,


answered Aug 17, 2018 by Thor
Thanks for the swift response. Then I guess it makes more sense to get married to my girlfriend in Greece and then move to Germany through a reunification visa, right?

And if I were to seek asylum, would Germany consider my application if I seek asylum after my Greek residence permit expires?
Yes, it makes sense to marry in Greece and come to Germany through visa. You can then apply for a residence permit at Ausländerbehörde.

I don't think so. German authorities will most likely ask why you didn't claim asylum in Greece since you've been living there for two years.
@stellarum @Thor My gf is in a similar situation, she is turkish citizen being prosecuted for political reasons, if she come to Greece how would she get Greece residence? What is the procedure to get greece residence and how much time it would take? Your suggestions will be really helpful.
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