hallo iam asylum seeker in germany .. i have a quastion .. my asyl is rejected from BAMF and then i make appeal in court against BAMF and now i become answer from court that my appeal also rejected from court but i have 14 days to appeal once more ... quastion is that if i make once more appeal in court  what is my status ... now i have not duldung .. one of my freind speak if court first time reject your appeal then you become duldung or deport in you home land? is true? my pasport is in auslander office
asked Jul 5, 2018 in Legal advice by uzma | 1,413 views

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Hello @uzma

Nice to hear from you again.

You keep the Aufenthaltsgestattung till the very end of your asylum procedure. If you appeal, you still keep it until a final decision has been made on your case. After that you will be issued a Duldung/residence permit/etc. depending on the outcome.

It's true that you might get deported after the final rejection, especially if they already got your passport.

Best regards,


answered Jul 5, 2018 by Thor
thank you it means if i appeal once more in court then i dont need to worry that they deport me .if they have my pasport ..if my case is close in court (beschluss) then they can deport me
Yes, you won't get deported before your asylum procedure comes to an end. Afterwards it is possible and it might happen quickly since they have your passport.
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