Hi! I have been wanting to have a check up with an internist, but I have no idea who in Osnabrück. I need an internist who can speak English. :(
asked May 14, 2018 in Healthcare by someoneingermany | 982 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @someoneingermany

There are websites where you can search for all kinds of doctors in Germany. Here is an example for Lower Saxony:


You have to set the filters to "Fachgebiet = Innere Medizin" and "Ort = Osnabrück". Tick the box that says "Kassenpraxen".

You will get a list of all internists in Osnabrück. You can click on "Details" to get contact information and to find out which languages they speak.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,


answered May 15, 2018 by Thor
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