Could I ask you please to give me the phone number of some Family doctors close to Messe Nord/ICC, Iranian or Afgan and the addresses?
asked Jul 27, 2016 in Healthcare by Aseman | 1,155 views

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2 Answers

+12 votes
Hello Aseman,

I didn't find a doctor with Arabic language knowledge in your Berlin municipality so far.

But search this database for a doctor as close as possible to your location:
Database of doctors in Berlin: ****://bit.ly/2apiszA
Search terms can be chosen, you don't have to type much.

Let me explain form terms in brief and exemplarily:
Fachrichtung (specialization): Allgemeinmedizin/Praktischer Arzt/Arzt (choice matches your needs)
Stadtbezirk (urban unit): Charlottenburg (only example)
Sprache (language): Arabisch (only example)
Suchergebnisse (number of results): max 20 (good value, don't change without need)
Sortiert nach (sort sequence): You can choose to sort by name or infoindex (infoindex is default).

Kind regards, Jan
answered Jul 28, 2016 by Jan
Thank you very much for your information, the website is really good. I found some  specialists in Persian language, but there is no "Familiendoktor" or "Hausarzt", on the list, is there?
I didn't need Arabic language doctor, that's why I said, Iranian or Afghan, so that they speak Persian (Farsi or Dari).
Well, but Jan's information ressource showed exemplarily what you can expect from the database! It's a very helpful tool indeed.
+2 votes
Hi Aseman,

Super resources Jan!

I also found an old Wefugees post also with a list. It may have been generated with the website Jan posted, but just in case here it is:


Additionally, the group "Charlottenburg Hilft" has a contact person who assists in finding and going to the doctor, maybe they will have some hints. The email address is:


Good luck! :)
answered Jul 29, 2016 by julia.d
Thank you very much for the infomation
However, the question has been asked before is for Arabic doctor, and I needed Iranian and Afghan doctor! so Persian language not Arabic!!! ;-)
I read your opening question carefully. Did you have a **** at the given database in my posting? If you just type the letter "p" (without quotes) in the form field 'language' the item 'pashtu (Afghanistan persisch)' appears. This should hit the spot.
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