I am orignally from Afghanistan and I am Master Student in Germany, and have residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel) from Berlin. I want apply for the asylum in France. I just want to know that I am eligible or not or what will be happen with my residence permit in germany. My current status is student and I didn't apply for any Asylum in Germany. And also I wokred for the United Nation in Afghanistan.
asked May 7, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Fazil Mahboob | 1,743 views

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2 Answers

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Hello Fazil

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

Even though you didn't apply for asylum in Germany, Dublin III will come into play in this case. France will refer you back to Germany because it already issued you a residence permit and thereby becomes responsible for your asylum application.

Dublin III Article 12 (1): "Where the applicant is in possession of a valid residence document, the Member State which issued the document shall be responsible for examining the application for international protection."

Best regards,


answered May 8, 2018 by Thor
Hi. I want to apply for the asylum in Germany and I am a university student in Germany. Is it possible?
0 votes
Hello fazil,
Have you applied for asylum in france or anywhere else? I am in same situation as yours.
answered Oct 7, 2020 by Jeddy
Dear @Jeddy, please check our answer on your question in the thread you opened (https://***.wefugees.de/808867/i-am-student-in-germany-but-want-to-give-asylum-in-norway-can-i) and let us know there if you may have any further questions. All the best, Meike
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