Hello again,

during my interview in BAMF. they have taken my Driving license and other documents. now i have cleared the test and went to collect my german driving license. they told me give your driving license which i told them its already in Zentrale and told them to send it to your office. then again i have a send a fax with the help of my lawyer in 2nd week of march. till now i have not received any answer. what should i do ? should i send letter again. can you please help me ?
asked Apr 4, 2018 in Legal advice by Dreamchaser | 681 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Sandy

Nice to hear from you again!

It's lawful for BAMF to collect all documents that they need to check your identity (passport, ID, drivering license etc.). And according to law they are also allowed to keep them.

Source (German language): https://***.gesetze-im-internet.de/asylvfg_1992/__15.html

I couldn't find any information about deadlines or something like that when they have to give it back to you though.

What advice did your lawyer give you?

Best regards,


answered Apr 6, 2018 by Thor
Thanks. My lawyer have written a Fax to Zentrale to send my Driving License to Ausländeramt. I was there today, talked to them but they have not received my Driving License yet from Zentrale Chemnitz. They told me to write again or call them to ask.
What should i do ? Should i send the Fax again ?
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