Hello members...i want to have an advice or what should I do..am a ssylum seeker in germany and my procedure is still and am dating a woman from Finland almost a year and three months now she visit me occasionally and now we decided to get married but i don't have paper's to go to Finland am asking if we can marry i  germany here please
asked Mar 22, 2018 in Legal advice by See | 962 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @See

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

Yes, it is possible for you to marry in Germany.

We had similar questions here on Wefugees in the past. Please check out the information provided in this thread:


In addition, please keep in mind what is being said here:


Feel free to ask further questions if anything remained unclear.

Best regards,


answered Mar 22, 2018 by Thor
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