I and my girlfriend intend to get married she live and work in Poland and I am under asylum in Germany. I have not been given decision on my asylum application yet, I’m Nigerian.

We intend to get married in Poland this summer 2018’ but I am not sure if my asyl ausweis allows me to go to Poland to get married.

Please I need advice.
asked Feb 9, 2018 in Legal advice by @markNiv | 1,736 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Hello @@markNiv

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question!

You are an asylum seeker. That's why you have a document called "Aufenthaltsgestattung". It allows you to stay in Germany for the duration of your asylum procedure. Unfortunately it's not possible for you to travel abroad with this document. If you want to marry in Poland you would have to wait to be granted asylum and to get a blue passport that enables you to travel.

But it's possible for your fiancé to come to Germany to marry here. You are allowed to get married no matter what your legal status is. You will find extensive information about this topic on the Wefugees platform. For example here:



Best regards,
answered Feb 12, 2018 by Thor
Hello Thor. Thanks for your help. At the moment I have letter of impediment from Nigeria, birth certificate and other documents, I got these documents because I thought I would go to Poland as it is that I cannot go to Poland, is it possible to use these documents to get married in Germany instead ? Thanks for your help.
Yes, it is. German authorities ask for similar documents if you want to marry. You need to get in contact with Standesamt (registry office), ask them about the documents they need (usually it is a valid passport, your certificate of birth, a certificate of no impediment and maybe some others). Then you hand them in and arrange a wedding date with them.
0 votes
Hello Thor. Obviously I’m an asylum my girlfriend lives in Poland. I have not gotten decision on my asylum claim yet. My questions are:
1. My girlfriend and I intend to live in Poland after wedding.
2. I do not intend to cancel my asylum application even when I’m married, would that be possible?
3. As a Nigerian will the German registry obtain the letter of impediment themselves or I have to provide that? Thanks

answered Feb 14, 2018 by @markNiv
Hello @markNiv - marrying an EU-citizen (like your Polish girlfriend) grants you the right to get a residence permit that allows you to live with her in every country within EU. You can also work there. Keeping this in mind it’s not necessary to stay in the asylum procedure in Germany because you don’t need it any longer to get a residence permit. In addition, you will have more rights through the residence permit that you get through marriage (for example the free choice of where you want to live/work). If I were you I would stay in the procedure as long as you are not married yet. After receiving the residence permit you can drop out of the procedure at BAMF.
Concerning the certificate of no impediment: You have to hand it in at Standesamt yourself. But I just read that the certificates that the Nigerian state issues, are not accepted by German authorities due to their standards. In this case you can go to Standesamt and ask them to apply at higher regional court for an exception. You can’t apply for it directly yourself.
0 votes
Thanks for your message Thor. I live in Baden-Württemberg,Stuttgart where my asyl claim is registered.
Please is it possible to get married civil registration in Berlin ? My come from Poland and we both go register to get married in Berlin? Thanks
answered Feb 14, 2018 by @markNiv
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