Dear Sir/Madam ,

I have applied for asylum and now my asylum is rejected and I applied against the decision but I have no lawyer .

I received a letter from the rechts Verwaltung gerecht that they have received my Klage and I have send a letter to them by mentioning that I am willing to accept the decision of judge what ever he decides after my hiring .

I have new medical reports from my cardiologist

I would like to know that at the moment my social told me that we are waiting for an interview with judge and we can provide the proofs for which my asylum is rejected.

My question is that how long it will takes I can get hiring with judge as I got only one week to apply against the decision and I did Klage on time.

Further more where I can submit my new medical reports from my cardiologist

I am going to start three year dual Studium ‘‘this  October 2018 and I have sign a contract with my partner company in which I am working currently.

My question is will this dual Studium help me in getting documents in Germany but I want to study in my own field and an Ausbildung ist very Low for me .

Please advised me that with out a lawyer how can I proceed my asylum case and how can I submit my medically reports and other documents . Your answers will be highly appreciated.

asked Mar 3, 2018 in Legal advice by Sam Sam | 697 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Khan

Nice to hear from you again!

It might take a while until you get an appointment for a hearing with the judge. That always depends on how busy they are at the moment. But don't worry, since you appealed on time your case will be processed sooner or later.

As far as I know you can submit your medical reports along with other new evidence on the day of your hearing.

In Germany it's possible to get a so-called "Ausbildungsduldung". The Ausbildungsduldung allows you to stay for the duration of your Ausbildung (usually it's 3 years) even if your asylum application got rejected. After that you have 6 months to find a job in a related field. If you are successful, you will get a residence permit for another 2 years. It also works for "duales Studium".

Best regards,

answered Mar 5, 2018 by Thor
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