Good day,please I really need an answers for my questions,I and my wife with pregnancy came to Germany to seek Asylum,and ever since then we both live together and went for interview but unfortunately we both have a negative result,and after appeal we also have negative.now we both have a duldung and we have our 2 kids that is giving birth here in Germany as well.please I need an advice what can we do?because now the authority is asking us to provide our passport for them to deport my whole family including my 2 kids and wife,I want to know if you people can give me a guideline for what to do,and if it's possible to deport a child born in Germany
asked Feb 27, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Eddy | 2,163 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Hello @Eddy

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

We had a question that is similar to yours here on Wefugees recently. Please check out the information provided here:


Unfortunately you are in a very precarious situation and even if your children were born in Germany it doesn't grant them (or you) a right to stay. That's why I can only highly recommend you to get in touch with a local counselling center or (if you can afford it) a lawyer that takes a closer **** at your case. Since your deportation is imminent it's important that you get immediate help. If you tell us where you live we can do some research about organisations that might be able to advise you.

Best regards,


answered Feb 27, 2018 by Thor
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