Hello ,
Are there new law for refugees in Germany but specially for Munich refugees ?
because i do not understand sometimes that Munich in Germany or out of Germany . :)
asked Feb 18, 2018 in Legal advice by Zichako | 1,121 views

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Hi @Zichako :)

In Germany we have a federal political system. That means that on the one hand there is law that applies to the whole of Germany, but on the other hand every federal state can make their own law (or interpetration of law) in certain fields. And of course every commune can make administrative acts within the framework of the underlying law.

For example the general asylum procedure is the same everywhere in Germany. But if we **** into the details there is different implementation depending on the federal state. I would say that it is typical for Bavaria to have a slightly stricter interpretation of law compared to other states.

So much for that.

Can you specify your question a little bit, please? Is there any specific topic that you want to know recent changes in law about? I think otherwise the question is a bit to broad.

All the best
answered Feb 19, 2018 by Lea
I have a question about driving license and as i heard that i can do the driving license on my Aufenthaltgestattung .but my Landratsamt has given me two papers and I have to fill and then I have to submit and then I should wait for decision .which I have done before 2 months ago . What is this? Every state has own rules and still I did not get any answer
Hi @Zichako :) In general your legal status is not of importance when you do your driver's license. But as I mentioned above, Bavaria tends to have stricter rules than other federal states. If I were you, I would contact Landratsamt and ask them to clarify the situation (if they have decided yet and if so, what the result was). Also, I found this other thread in the archive that discusses the same topic: https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/2271 It seems to be a common problem that Landratsamt denies refugees to make driver's license. Maybe legal support is an option to think about. All the best
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