Hey everyone,
Wish your having good time=)! So, my question is, where can somebody find a Pflegefamilie here for young refugees?

asked Jan 16, 2017 in Legal advice by Johnny | 512 views
Hi Waseem =) Good question! Could you remind me in which city you are living at the moment? @johnny
Oh sorry, I just notice: Munich! I think @Suzan could give us a few info about that!
Halo Waseem i don't know when you make any contract with Jugendamt, but you're old under 18 so why you don't contact with Jugendamt in Munich it will the best and the will try to help you .
Jugendamt Munich
Adresse: Luitpoldstraße 3, 80335 München
Telefon: 089 23300

Thank you so much, I appreciate your help!

Have a nice time :)

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Thanks Suzan! That's really good information =) And good luck Waseem!
answered Jan 17, 2017 by Paolo
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