Hi all,
im looking for a psychologist in Berlin, who is willing to have a short interview
with me about the huge topic of "being back at home after a specific time of volunteering"
(like trauma, ptbs, strategies,debriefing,..).

i was volunteering in calais,france and thessaloniki and lesvos,greece the last two years and i know how difficult it can be to come back "home"; now im trying to write my bachelor thesis about exactly this topic and need a psychologist to make an interview.

if you have any contacts, please let me know!

thank you! and kind regards.
asked Oct 18, 2017 in Healthcare by Tina | 4,247 views

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Hello @Tina and welcome to our community!

I found an article about psychological help for voluntary helpers in refugee relief in Berlin:


In this article the organisation “Medizin hilft Flüchtlingen” announced that they will provide help for them. Here is their website:


You can try to get in contact with them. Probably there are psychologists in their organisation that can give you answers to the questions you want to investigate for your bachelor thesis. Even if they might not have vast knowledge about “coming home” (since their target group works in Berlin) they’re probably still competent about the illnesses that you listed.

If that doesn’t work you can get an overview of psychologists in Berlin by using search engines like these ones:




Maybe you can pick a few and contact them directly.

I hope this answer was helpful to you

Best regards,
answered Oct 23, 2017 by Thor
Thank you so much!
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