Hi there, I am still living in a building with many people in for 2 years no privacy just like a jail, and my Asylum applicant was rejected but I am still staying like no force of leaving the country, My document says I can't rent a house in any other place but my own small town, so my questions are...
If I Start Working full time job in next city, will I have a right to rent a room in that city? If so, how long must I work before I am able to rent a room? What if I work but no full time job does that have any effect on it? Will my rejected application prevent from renting a room? I have already asked the Auslander but they said I can't move from my town to the city that I will be working in, but heard that the company I am working with can help me do this? I don't know where to start, can you guide me and give me some tips what are the possibilities, is it even possible?
Thanks alot