Hello ,
I am with my family(wife and 3 kids) here in Germany for six months,
Unfortunately we are rejected by BAMF. I ve hired a lawyer and started the objection process.
They told me, I should wait minimum one year, maximum 2 years for court to finish. I think I will get the acception in the court because BAMF answer to me was ridicilious. But my problem is I am still on sozial amt and they are forcing me and my family(five person) to stay in a one room in a hime. (Total 12 people in a house using one bath) When I asked about renting a house they told me , I must stay here 12 months more after that I can rent a house. I asked them which law is that , I couldnt get the respond.  The strange thing is near other cities here in the same state, Sozail amt lets families to rent a house immediately.
Is there a clear law and explanation for this ? Must we stay here during two years.?
asked Dec 25, 2017 in Legal advice by Mali | 1,147 views
Later I realized ; Sorry that I have to ask this question under Legal Advice. Admin can move it.
@marcel: do you know that?

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2 Answers

0 votes
I think,  this is the answer to my question:
The maximum time is 15 months...

After a 15-month stay in the federal territory without substantial interruption, the benefits awarded under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act can also be raised to a social welfare level – if certain additional conditions are met – as stipulated in the SGB XII. In this case, not only the (higher) social welfare provisions apply but also the social welfare regulations for income and assets, the possibility of granting cash benefits, as well as the “normal” claim for benefits in the case of illness.

The law in German :

Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz (AsylbLG)
§ 2 Leistungen in besonderen Fällen
(1) Abweichend von den §§ 3 und 4 sowie 6 bis 7 ist das Zwölfte Buch Sozialgesetzbuch auf diejenigen Leistungsberechtigten entsprechend anzuwenden, die sich seit 15 Monaten ohne wesentliche Unterbrechung im Bundesgebiet aufhalten und die Dauer des Aufenthalts nicht rechtsmissbräuchlich selbst beeinflusst haben.
(2) Bei der Unterbringung von Leistungsberechtigten nach Absatz 1 in einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft bestimmt die zuständige Behörde die Form der Leistung auf Grund der örtlichen Umstände.
(3) Minderjährige Kinder, die mit ihren Eltern oder einem Elternteil in einer Haushaltsgemeinschaft leben, erhalten Leistungen nach Absatz 1 auch dann, wenn mindestens ein Elternteil in der Haushaltsgemeinschaft Leistungen nach Absatz 1 erhält.
answered Jan 9, 2018 by Mali
0 votes
Hello @Mali

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

I did a little bit of research about the legal framework of housing for asylum seekers. Here is the law that I found: https://***.gesetze-im-internet.de/asylvfg_1992/__47.html

Usually you can leave the accommodation facilities after a maximum of 6 months. But there are exceptions from this general rule.

The important part is (1b). It says that the responsible federal state can decide that an asylum seeker has to stay in an accommodation until BAMF decides on his/her case. Also if BAMF says that the application is illegitimate or obviously baseless ("unzulässig" or "offensichtlich unbegründet") they can be obligated to stay there until they get deported. But only up to a maximum of 24 months. However, if BAMF is not able to decide whether an application is illegitimate or obviously baseless at short notice, you can't be forced to stay there longer than the usual duration.

I'm not a lawyer though and I'm not entirely sure if my answer is correct and fitting for your case. Let's see if @Marcel or @Steven can confirm or contradict.

Best regards,
answered Jan 10, 2018 by Thor
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