I just arrived in Germany a few weeks ago. How do I learn German? What are the different ways for me to learn, and what is the best option?
asked Aug 25, 2017 in Education by Afreen | 1,341 views

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4 Answers

+4 votes
Hello @Afreen,

just use the search slot of Wefugee ant type in the words: learn German. You will find many suggestions the community collected. Just browse through the given answers.

Sources for learning German online: ****://tinyurl.***/ybj7gt3q
German course: ****://bit.ly/2vnQJWQ
Deutsch lernen: ****://tinyurl.***/y88u4j9y

A primary information resource about learning German is provided by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees: ****://bit.ly/2vsy9gy

You are asking for the best option to learn German. I think the best option is to mix up several learning options. You definitly should combine theory with everyday speech. A convenient way to do this is to **** for a so called 'Sprachcafè', where people meet just to talk and practise their language skills. For Berlin you can find such locations here: https://goo.gl/Tme2KD

If you tell us where you currently stay in Germany we can help you to find something like that.

If you want to start right now you can do this with the file attached further down. The "Welcome Refugees Vocabulary" is for beginners, who just arrived in Germany.

All the best
answered Aug 25, 2017 by Jan
+3 votes
Hello @Afreen

An Integrationkurs (Integration course) is one way to learn German. In some cases, you will have to attend one of these. These integration courses are subsidised by the government and include a language course, aswell as an orientation course. Normally, the integration course lasts 660 hours, with 45 minute lessons. These can be either full-time or part-time. To find out whether you meet the criteria needed to attend an integration course, visit ***.bamf.de/integrationskurs.

The language course lasts 600-900 hours. Here, you learn how to talk in German about everyday situations. You will also learn how to communicate, via email and post and how to fill out forms, make phonecalls and apply for jobs.

The orientation course lasts 60 hours. Here, you will learn about the german legal system, history and culture, legal rights and obligations, your region, important values in society, such as freedom of worship, equal rights etc and the culture in your homeland.

There is no best option for everyone, as everyone learns in different ways. Another way to  learn is through a special integration course. These are available for particular target groups, and the different ones are called; literacy courses, women’s integration courses, parents’ integration courses, youth integration courses and catch-up courses. The integration course can be offered as a 430 hour intensive course for quick learners.

As part of the integration course, you have to take a test at the end of the language course and another one after the orientation course. If you pass both, then you will receive the “Integration Course Certificate” (Zertifikat Integrationskurs). This shows that your German is adequate and that you know the important basics about German society. This certificate will help whilst applying for jobs, and also allows you to apply for German citizenship after 7-8 years of residence in Germany.

For work and business purposes, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) offers free “German for professional purposes” (Deutsch für den Beruf) courses for migrants. These courses combine German language tuition, vocational qualifications and a work placement (Praktikum).These same courses are also offered elsewhere, but with a pricetag and different content sometimes. It is best to compare the different courses before committing to one.

Hope this helps you.

answered Aug 31, 2017 by Mike W
Thank you for the detailed answer, Mike!
+1 vote
Hello @Afreen,

German is a very difficult language, forget about learning it!

Haha, just kiddin! You can learn this language with many different methods and sometimes you can do self-studying in parallel to taking courses.
Taking courses is definitely the very first step for most of the people.
If you are a refugee, you can use the intensive german courses in any city you are. you should ask your local social workers, advisors or check yourself online.


Bildunsgberatung für Geflüchtete
LernLaden Neukölln, Berlin
answered Aug 31, 2017 by BildungsberaterIn
0 votes
I recommend free ressources on the internet, like youtube videos. There are free websites too, like dw.*** or https://***.deutsch-ueben.tk
answered Aug 20, 2021 by Kabahk
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