Hi refugee community,

I would like to find a job in Berlin but I don't speak any German and I don't understand how things work here. I also have my little boy with me.
I don't know what I could do?
I guess German courses would be a good start. Has anyone any advice?
asked Sep 11, 2015 in Education by Almira | 1,394 views

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3 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Almira!

Thank you for your message!

I think I might have found something interesting for you.
There is this association called Sprach- und Integrationsschule e.V. that offers both German courses for beginners and integration courses. You can choose to do both or just the language course. The orientation course teaches you about German culture, society, rights… which could be useful to help you understanding better how things work in Germany.

The courses can be free or 1.20 euros by hour depending on which agreement to cover the costs you’re entitled to. This is something you should check with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

The good news is that you can bring your son with as they offer childcare too free of charge!

Please contact them by phone 030 / 290 45 800 or -801, or directly at the office from Monday to Friday (9.00-16.00)

Here is the website : ****://***.sis-ev.***, you can change the language on the bottom right of the website.

Please check the page “Integration courses" - "Course registration” to have more information about the costs and the registration.

Have a nice week!

answered Sep 14, 2015 by Caro
Hello, thank you very much for you reply, that looks very interesting. Where can I find the BAMF?
Hello Almira, BAMF is located at Askanierring 106, 13587 Berlin and phone number is 030 355820!
By the way where do you live? In case this place is too far away from your home, on this webpage you can find other locations: ****://***.bamf.de/SiteGlobals/Functions/WebGIS/EN/WebGIS_Integrationskursort.html?nn=1451894 And here is the access to the general informations: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Willkommen/DeutschLernen/Integrationskurse/integrationskurse-node.html
+1 vote
There is also information online here about the integration language course: ****://***.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/Downloads/Infothek/Integrationskurse/Kursteilnehmer/MerkblaetterAuslaender/630-009_merkblatt-zum-antrag-auf-zulassung.pdf?__blob=publicationFile
answered Nov 13, 2015 by Fran
0 votes
This website ( https://***.deutsch-ueben.tk ) has different ressources to learn german for free. This post https://***.deutsch-ueben.tk/2021/08/die-bewerbung.html explains how it normaly works when you're looking for a job and they give you a link to a 'Jobbörse', so you can find something there if you want. I hope, it helps
answered Aug 20, 2021 by Kabahk
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