Hi beautiful people, I'm a asylum seeker and it's a shame for me to say that I'm residing in Germany for more than a year now and i can't speak and understand German language. I tried so hard to learn but because of my troubles leaving my country and thinking about my family everytime, i couldn't focus but i think I'm really determined to learn now and i need help for free German course in Dortmund city.
asked May 10, 2016 in Education by Zino | 2,957 views

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4 Answers

+3 votes
It's okay if you didn't start Learning german till now with all the problems that we all have there are things that we should do the most no matter what kind of problems we have.
Free courses are hard to find nowadays I suggest to start from today study alone downlad an app which called 'Duolingo' i started with duolingo and then A1-1 after it A1-2 and now I'm going to start A2-1. And i'm only telling you that so you can try to study alone and wait for no one so cheer up✌
answered May 11, 2016 by Kenan
Thank you very much kenan, and please if i may ask how helpful is this app and are you able to communicate with people around?
No problem! And yes absolutely!
I startes learning words verbs and how can i make a sentence with the basics words even if it's wrong but it's able to understad.
I finished only the half from it and then I brought the A1 books and started learning from it my advice is you should start learning words bring a note booke and then right the german word and then translate it to the english or arabic in this way you can go back to every word you know as soon as you know too many words you can make a sentence even if its wrong grammatically but anyone can understand it this app is the best start i think and anything better than nothing,now i can speak with anyone in different subjects make a conversation and understand 50-70% with out any course.
You can do it if you want to do it best of luck! And if you need anyhelp iwill be glad to help you!
Guess what? I have been able to communicate a little bit today and i could understand so conversation sound me today. I bought a new book today and I'm seriously giving myself no break, I'm also learning like now too. Thanks Bro
+3 votes
Hello Zino! Don't be ashamed, German is a tough language, one has to have time and patience for it (I had to myself haha) and it's actually very nice that you decided to give it a try!
So have a **** at this website (it's the BAMF -- the German federal office for migration). This page gives an overview on the different possibilities for refugees to learn German: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Willkommen/DeutschLernen/deutschlernen-node.html

More specifically, you could search the database for German courses (and check whether it would be possible for you to have a grant or something) in you area here: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Willkommen/DeutschLernen/Integrationskurse/KurstraegerNaehe/kurstraegernaehe-node.html

and ****://***.bamf.de/SiteGlobals/Functions/WebGIS/EN/WebGIS_Integrationskursort.html?nn=1451894

...you could also call them or write them an email through the contact form

(Information service

From Monday to Friday
09:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m.
Telephone: +49 911 943-6390)

 and ask whether there are groups in your area who organize free German courses. I'm sure there are (there are for sure in Frankfurt, maybe Dortmund is to small but I think you have good chances of finding something).

Something you might also do is to contact the group "Mannheim sagt Ja" (on Facebook: https://***.facebook.***/groups/masagtja/?fref=ts). They are a wonderful group based in Mannheim but I'm sure they could give you some tips and contacts for Dortmund as well ;)
Good Luck!!!
answered May 13, 2016 by Elisa
Thanks thanks thanks Elisa, Appreicated
+2 votes
Hey Zino,

It´s definitely no easy task to learn a new language! That´s great though that you have now already been able to communicate a little bit :) A few other things that I can recommend:

Online training in grammar and vocabulary. You can select your level and if you want to focus on something in particular:

This is a website that describes some difficultiesin the language. It is more helpful after you have learned the basics, but definitely something to keep in mind.

For vocabulary you could try downloading and using the program Anki:
It´s a program where you can download sets of flashcards from the website (https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks/german) and practice them through the program.

All the best!
answered May 12, 2016 by julia.d
Thanks a bunch Julia, this will be very helpful and i definitely will do as you have said. Too much nice people on here, i feel so glad communicating with you guys.... Love ya all
I´m happy that you´re here!! :)
0 votes

Hi! I've been studying German for more than 2 years. I've found a few Online Schools which provide high quality services. 
For example:


I recommend asking them for help.

answered Jun 30, 2022 by Juli4300
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