Hello Benham,
if you are looking for a job, you should definitely check out workeer.de.
We are a job platform specifically designed for refugees and employers offering them job opportunities. Workeer aims to support refugees in building up a professional network by directly connecting refugees looking for work with interested employers via our low-threshold network.
So you should go to
https://workeer.de/fuer-gefluechtete, create a profile and publish it, so that employees can see it and connect with you. By signing up you will get the opportunity to easily publish and provide data concerning your type of job search, proficiency, language skills and other important information of your CV to create a significant application.
After that of course you can also take action and check out the job offers we have listed on you platform.
For example I found those to positions that might interest you.
If you need any help creating your profile or finding the right employee, feel free to contact us at kontakt@workeer.de.
Best regards, David