First of all, I would like to thank you for this nice website . Actually , I am feeling so embarrassed about what to do with my university degree in English literature and language . I taught English for about 18 years in Syria and found it here in Germany totally different . I have all the documents required about my study and I had done them also as Certificate valuation in Germany . so they are equal to the German university degree . I passed my B2 German language level . I wiuld be so grateful to know about all possibilities I may have . Thank you in advance .
asked Nov 9, 2017 in Work by Nasser | 1,884 views
Hello @Nasser First of all, welcome to our community! You are on the right track already - no need to be embarrassed. You got a universitary degree, work experience and you are learning German. These are promising conditions for your future! To brainstorm a few ideas what you can do I will link @BildungsberaterIn from LernLaden Neukölln here. They have vast knowledge about various education and career related topics. Also @stefan_J4R of Jobs4Refugees and @DavidJ of workeer have good insights into the job market here in Germany. They work for initiatives that enable labour market access for refugees. Best regards, Thorgen

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2 Answers

+3 votes
Dear @Nasser,

Welcome to Wefugees.

You should not feel embarrassed. You are a knowledgeable educated person and definitely you can find your way. The only key is 'not losing the hope and trying different things, as a long term project, to find your way'.

Let's move on to your questions.
Well, to become an official teacher isn't very easy in Germany, because Germans have their own education system for "Lehramt". The teachers have 2 "Fach" and some other details.
So I guess, your degree isn't "anerkannt" as official teacher "Lehramt", but is anernkannt as a normal Linguistic degree.

Just if they would see they need more teachers in some fields, they might take and hire people as "Quereinsteiger" (people who don't have the official "Lehramt" degree but are qualified in that field) and for example in Berlin, unfortunetaly, English isn't in the list:

You can check in your own "Bundesland". Or better to got to "Beratung" time of Schulamt or Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, or something equal to that in your Bundesland.
And if English is in the list of the "Fächer" which are in need in your Bundesland, you can apply as a Quereinsteiger if you have master degree in your field and C1 Deutsch. I did not understand from your description what univesity degree you have.

There would be an option of studying and getting "Lehramt" degree in your field, if you want to do that. University of Potsdam has a program for refugee teachers to accomplish the study here and get the certificate in Germany. That means you won't need to study from the beginning, but just some parts of it. You can contact them and ask more. In your case, you don't need to do Module 1 because you already have B2:

Other options would be to apply for teaching jobs out of school system. Means Language institutes and private teaching ("Nachhilfe")... And these jobs you can find and apply on "jobsuche" websites, or just go personally to the institutes and talk with them about yourself, show them your CV, ask for internships, and find your networks and your way through.

I hope I could give you some useful information.
If you have more detailed questions, you can contact my colleague, who is also originally from Syria and has a vast knowledge in this field, Dr. Ibrahim Alsayed:
Mobil: 0172 7 07 25 36
E-Mail: Ibrahim.Alsayed(at)gesbit.de

Mobile Bildungsberatung für Geflüchtete

LernLaden Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Straße 131
12043 Berlin

answered Nov 10, 2017 by BildungsberaterIn
0 votes
thanks for caring . I appreciate answering my question
answered Nov 9, 2017 by Nasser
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