What do you think about the opportunities one has to find a job in case he speaks or not German?
asked Dec 27, 2016 in Work by WefugeesEvent | 610 views
Which sector do you want to work in? Do you speak English? If you want to work in sectors such as Gastronomy, Service, Logistics,... it is highly recommended to speak German (at least A2 level). If you're an IT-Expert or a Web-Designer you may find a good job, if you speak English. Anyway, we recommend to learn German in order to integrate in German society.

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Hi my name is Nathalie,

I’m part of Turning Tables. We help young people who want to start an educational training in the gastronomy sector. We offer a training program to help to start to work in hotels or restaurants.

Yes, I would strongly recommend learning German. Without knowing German language it will be much harder to find a job. For an apprenticeship it is obligatory. To have a job also helps you integrate into society.
answered Dec 27, 2016 by turning tables
Is it helpful having a sideline job after school to learn german?
Yes, but it would be yet necessary to know some german before.
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